7.(3).4 Data Platform Let’s talk about another Taiwan system: The real-time-message-contact system, which is a system that allows users to scan QR codes of stores when they go to a store, and send messages of location information to the Central Epidemic Command Center, so infectors’ footprints can be recorded in the government’s database. An article in The Storm…
Month: September 2022
The Additional Lessons Should Be Taken In The COVID-19 Pandemic, except for Bill Gates’s Suggestions – (5)
6. Recording The Country Population Bill Gates points out in his book that some countries don’t do registries of births and deaths to record their population precisely. He said, “Many of them (low-and middle-income countries) estimate the number of births and deaths using household surveys that are held several years apart, which means they don’t…
The Additional Lessons Should Be Taken In The COVID-19 Pandemic, except for Bill Gates’s Suggestions – (4)
4. Vaccine Shortage in low-income and middle-income countries Unlike rich countries such as the U.S or the U.K, many poor countries didn’t have enough vaccines. Distributing vaccines globally has been a problem since the vaccines were rolled out. In an article named Why The Pandemic Isn’t Over Yet, Associate Professor Karen Levey emphasizes the importance of…
The Additional Lessons Should Be Taken In The COVID-19 Pandemic, except for Bill Gates’s Suggestions – (3)
During this pandemic, Bill Gates warned that the U.S has an issue of distrust of people toward the government due to political issues. In fact, this is not only a U.S issue; such distrusts have been an issue among many Western countries. In his book, to illustrate the importance of building trust in government, he…
The Additional Lessons Should Be Taken In The COVID-19 Pandemic, except for Bill Gates’s Suggestions – (2)
Suggestion After reading the above paragraphs, I believe you know why the pandemic is still going on and how important mask-wearing is. So how to end this pandemic, or more importantly, the next pandemic? There are a few suggestions from Bill Gates. I will list a few of them and add a few of my…
The Additional Lessons Should Be Taken In The COVID-19 Pandemic, except for Bill Gates’s Suggestions – (1)
Bill Gates wrote a book talking about how to prevent the next pandemic. His advice is valuable, but I want to add my additional notes and suggestions to the advice in his book. This article will focus on what parts we can do better in the current pandemic and the next pandemic if such an…