3. 兼任許多工作 V.S 你得到的薪水 一位CEO(執行長) 加里·沃伊內楚克在他的臉書上說,“老闆對待員工們好像他們本來就要在那裡為他們服務一樣,這太瘋狂了……你有一些擁有公司的人說 ‘我希望我的員工按照我的工作方式工作’ ,我在想 ‘你給他們同樣金額的錢嗎?你他媽的在說什麼?” 有個人回答說,“雖然我同意,但你對此有何看法?解決方案是什麼?” 我同意加里的觀點,但我認為他的情況不應該要適用於所有情況
Month: December 2022
職場上所需要被改變的事 – (2): 停止問這些面試問題
一些面試問題需要被丟棄。人力資源專家麗茲萊恩在2017年發表的這篇文章列出了雇主需要停止問的 10 個面試問題。不幸的是,許多老闆、用人主管,和人資仍在問這些問題。例如,“你的缺點是什麼” 這個問題還是經常被詢問……
職場上所需要被改變的事 – (1): 提供薪資範圍
在商業世界工作幾年,有些我曾遇過的事情,我覺得是不對的,並且希望這些事情被改變。 所以我寫了這篇文章,希望在社會上工作的人能採納我的建議,做出改變。如何做出改變? 你需要做兩件事:
Things need to be changed in the workplace – (9)
This is the last part – Part 9 of this article. Read Part 8 of this article here. *Note:1. Throughout the article, the phrase “the business field” or “the business world” means the whole society where people join the workforce. It does NOT only represent people who work in a business-type position, but also every…
Things need to be changed in the workplace – (8)
This is Part 8 of this article. Read Part 7 of this article here. *Note:1. Throughout the article, the phrase “the business field” or “the business world” means the whole society where people join the workforce. It does NOT only represent people who work in a business-type position, but also every people who work in…
Things need to be changed in the workplace – (7)
This is Part 7 of this article. Read Part 6 of this article here. *Note:1. Throughout the article, the phrase “the business field” or “the business world” means the whole society where people join the workforce. It does NOT only represent people who work in a business-type position, but also every people who work in…
Things need to be changed in the workplace – (6)
This is Part 6 of this article. Read Part 5 of this article here. *Note:1. Throughout the article, the phrase “the business field” or “the business world” means the whole society where people join the workforce. It does NOT only represent people who work in a business-type position, but also every people who work in…
Things need to be changed in the workplace – (5)
This is Part 5 of this article. Read Part 4 of this article here. *Note:1. Throughout the article, the phrase “the business field” or “the business world” means the whole society where people join the workforce. It does NOT only represent people who work in a business-type position, but also every people who work in…
Things need to be changed in the workplace – (4)
This is Part 4 of this article. Read Part 3 of this article by clicking the link. *Note:1. Throughout the article, the phrase “the business field” or “the business world” means the whole society where people join the workforce. It does NOT only represent people who work in a business-type position, but also every people…
Things need to be changed in the workplace – (3)
This is Part 3 of this article. Read Part 2 of this article here. *Note:1. Throughout the article, the phrase “the business field” or “the business world” means the whole society where people join the workforce. It does NOT only represent people who work in a business-type position, but also every people who work in…